Getting Your Body In "Fit" Condition

Getting fit doesn't have to be complicated. Simple bodyweight exercises are often the best choice for those without a lot of time, money and motivation to learn or employ the latest fitness fads. Bodyweight training can also be a great choice for building strength, gaining muscle, boosting cardiovascular fitness, and burning calories. Here are ten reasons to get on board with bodyweight training. Before you read any further, you should know that you won't become fit if you don't fix your diet first. A poor diet won't create enough energy that you need to exercise. Your exercise program can't compensate for a bad diet. Fast Fitness Gains Bodyweight exercises lead to fitness gains in a hurry. Most bodyweight exercises require you to perform multi-joint movements (compound exercises) that work against gravity. These types of movements (squats, lunges, push-ups) all make up the cornerstone of any strength training routine and are extremely effective for build...