Losing Weight On A Low-Carb Diet

People are attracted to a low-carb way of eating for a variety of reasons: blood sugar control, to lower blood pressure, and to improve many other health indicators. But there's no doubt about it: most people try cutting carbs in order to lose weight. So, is losing weight different on a low-carb diet? And what can you realistically expect when it comes to weight loss? How Is the Low-Carb Weight Loss Experience Different? Before you read further, I want you to know low-carb is my favorite way to lose body fat but I did combine low-carb with low-fat because adults don't need the fats from dairy products. We can get fats into our diet by eating nuts and seafoods. If you don't have enough fats in your diet your body will burn stored body fat. Your body isn't fussywhere the fats come from but it will use the fats that are the easiest to burn and the easiest to burn are the fats that you just ate. You may be surprised to hear that on a low-carb diet, weight loss main...