Where Do I Start?

You want to lose weight but you've never been successful. Losing weight is a commitment to stop what your doing now and change your plan. I weighed about 180 pounds in high school and that's good for a kid 6 foot tall. After about 10 years in the workforce and at the age of 32, I still weighed 173 to 178. In those days I was working construction jobs, very physical. Now 30 years have gone by and I still weigh 177 pounds. Now though I have to work at it. It's not like I never had a weight problem, at one point I was 220+ pounds. I owned a restaurant for more than 5 years and my weight inched up and I didn't really realize it. I was in my 30's and gaining weight didn't bother me. I could still run, swim and play basketball. I still had energy. After I passed 40, then I noticed myself getting sluggish. I knew I had to lose weight, the extra weight was affecting my performance. I joined a health club, started to play racketball, and use a rowing machine. I ...