Don't believe all those weight loss gimmicks

All the promises from Weight Loss 'so called' experts are only sales gimmicks to get you to spend money. You don't have to spend money to lose weight. Shortcuts are awesome. Who doesn’t appreciate a nice back road that slices a commute in half? I’ve been known to skip ironing because the wrinkles usually fall out in a couple of hours, anyway. Sometimes, steps can be skipped or shortened without compromising the result too much. Unfortunately for dieters, weight loss is generally not something that can be rushed along... at least, not if you want long-term success. Then you’re right back where you started. Before you buy out your local produce section’s entire stock of grapefruit, consider the following reasons why quick-fix diets are not the answer to your waistline woes: But... I always see good results with quickie diets. It’s true that quick-fix diets can help you get the pounds off, but most of the time the pounds come back with a vengeance. ...