Why I Lost Weight?

I was listening to a radio talk show one day and a call-in was talking about a fast food chain. He was criticizing a hamburger chain and said after he stopped eating their food he started to feel better. He started to lose weight, and he said he wasn’t so depressed all day. You don't have to be heavy to feel the affect of junk food. The saturated fat and the chemicals in junk food can slow down organ functions. When this happens you feel sluggish and you lose your energy. So, I started to think about how I felt when I was heavy and it did feel depressing. I didn’t like the way my clothes fit, I felt self-conscious. I felt like people were staring. I didn’t like eating in-front of others. I had this lonely feeling. That was then and this is now. Today most people are overweight so a person can have that sense of well-being because their friends are the same as they are. Being overweight has become the new normal. So, what’s wrong with that? Well, the problem is your ...