Eat Smart And You'll Lose Fat and Weight

Do famous-name diets really work? There are plenty of famous-name diets for weight loss, but none stands out from the pack when it comes to lasting results, a new review suggests. Looking at a dozen clinical trials, researchers found that three big-name diets -- Atkins, Weight Watchers and the Zone -- were all "modestly" effective over the course of a year. In studies that compared the plans head-to-head, people lost anywhere from 4 to 10 pounds, on average. Meanwhile, a fourth commercial diet -- South Beach -- was no better than traditional advice to eat a low-fat diet, the study authors said. And in the few trials that lasted two years -- all looking at Atkins or Weight Watchers -- people often regained some of the pounds they lost. "From our results, no weight-loss diet came across as a clear winner," said study leader Renee Atallah, a research assistant at Jewish General Hospital/McGill University in Montreal. Atallah and her colleagues report the fi...