
Showing posts from December, 2017

Unprocessed Foods for Weight Loss

Eat Clean Diet Review:  Reblogged from WebMD The Promise She means eating foods -- like lean protein, good-for-you carbs and fats, fresh fruits, and vegetables -- six times a day in the right amounts. Do that, drink lots of water, and exercise regularly, and Reno says you’ll turn your sluggish metabolism into a fat-burning machine. If Eating Clean is something new to you, you might have to do a little homework. You can find info on the internet. Reno is the author of a new book and she has some great ideas about changing your diet and losing weight. Dedicate yourself to the clean eating lifestyle, and you’ll lose about 3 pounds a week, Reno says. The benefits go beyond weight loss. You'll stay healthy and have more energy. Your eyes will look bright and alert. Your teeth and gums will be healthier. Your skin will glow. Oh, and did we mention you won't be hungry? “When you Eat Clean, the benefits are visible (and perceptible to you on the inside, too) from the top o

Making A New Year's Resolution

It's that time of year again.  This is the one big promise we make to ourselves every year but seldom keep. I can't speak for everyone, but for the ones obsess with losing weight, don't make that resolution about the bathroom scale. If this is the promise you have been making for years, "this is the year I'm going to lose weight", it's time for a change. This year you want to promise your going to "live a healthier life", exercise regularly and eat better. Step off the scale now and no one will get hurt. Focusing just on weight loss can lead to cycles of losing and regaining weight, lower self-esteem, and a preoccupation with food and body image. “You’ll do better if you have goals that have to do not with weight, but with health,” says Carol Landau, Ph.D., clinical professor of psychiatry and medicine at the Alpert Medical School, Brown University. While a New Year’s resolution is a great way to get in touch with what’s important and how you

It's Christmas Eve in Texas

I found out today that I have readers in the Netherlands and now I can add you to the list of countries that follow my blog. I'm really surprised after 8 years of writing 4 different blogs how many readers I have amassed. I write these blogs for fun, I get nothing out of it but because I found success in my weight loss venture, I thought I should write about it. Let those know that it's not hopeless and that anyone can lose weight. I know there will be sacrifice. You do have to change the way you live. I have to live every day like I'm in training. I decided that from now on I would be more active, and eat a proper diet that would help me burn my body fat. I know now that no one can totally avoid all the foods they love, but until you achieve that slimmer, trimmer body you want you have to sacrifice just like a pro athlete training for the Superbowl or a big title fight. I weighed about 220 pounds several years ago and now I'm 155. I reduced my body fat to abou

Sugar and Obesity is Linked to Cancer

There's a link between  obesity  and/or overweight adults and 40 percent of all the cancers diagnosed in the United States, health officials reported Tuesday. And more recently than this report was published, sugar has also been confirmed as having a link to Cancer. In the case of sugar, you don't have to be overweight. That doesn't mean too much  weight  is causing all these  cancer  cases, just that there's some kind of still-to-be explained association, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Still, the study findings suggest that being  obese  or  overweight  was associated with  cancer  cases involving more than 630,000 Americans in 2014, and this includes 13 types of  cancer . "That obesity and overweight are affecting cancers may be surprising to many Americans. The awareness of some cancers being associated with obesity and overweight is not yet widespread," Dr. Anne Schuchat, CDC deputy director, said during a mid


The best time in your life to get the body you want is when you're in your 20's. When your younger it's easier and your skin will contract easier. Are you ready to get serious about your body?  This might be the first time you’ve had to really think about losing weight or getting in shape. If your out of school now and you started to work this may be the perfect time to get in shape. But there's no need to panic. You can take off the pounds and set up healthy habits to get skinny and keep the weight from coming back. Post this list on your bathroom mirror to serve as a daily reminder of the things you need to do to get in shape so that you not only get fit, but you stay lean and healthy for life. If you can get this right now, your life can be so much better going forward. 10 Ways to Get Lean and Healthy in Your 20s Redefine “skinny.” We often use the word, “skinny,” but let’s face it, ladies, skin and bones are not sexy. What you really want is a sleek, tigh

Extra Walking Can Lengthen Your Life

Less than the recommended 150 minutes a week will still help By Robert Preidt HealthDay Reporter That evening stroll you take after dinner most nights may be doing you more good than you realize -- new research suggests even a bit of regular  walking  can reduce your risk of death. Regular walking is telling your body that you still have things to do and that your not ready to lay down and die.  Walking has been described as the 'perfect  exercise ' because it is simple, free, convenient, doesn't require any special equipment or training, and can be done at any age. I see people "mall walking" in the early morning with a cane and some even with a walker. Too much sitting will put your body into hibernation mode and you stop burning calories.   Don't give-up because you can't keep up with the others. I had knee pain when I was in my 60's but because I lost body fat and increased my walking today I have no knee pain and I'm off those pa

What Is The Mediterranean Diet ?

I know you’ve heard of the Mediterranean diet, anyone who’s been dieting knows about this one. Except, must of us who decide to go on a diet look for quick results. This isn’t that kind of diet, this is more of a lifestyle of correct eating. By following the guide they outline over time excess fat will disappear and you will become a healthier person. Read the following and then do your own research. If it’s not on the chart, don’t eat it. The Mediterranean diet has been under research for over 50 years, and its benefits continue to become apparent. The health benefits of the Mediterranean diet range from a lower risk of heart disease, certain cancers,diabetes, Alzheimer's, osteoporosis, and stroke; lower blood pressure and LDL levels; improved brain function, eye health, and fertility; healthy body weight; and increased life span. The good news is that you do not need to live in this geographic area to get these benefits. All that you need to do is understand where they come f

It's December, When We All Gain A Little Weight

This is when anyone trying to lose weight has mixed feelings about the Holidays. There just seems to be no way we can avoid gaining weight. We love all the parties and the friends and family we only see on special occasions, but we learn to dread the morning after when we can't believe how much we ate, and how full we feel. It always seems to take a few days to recoup and than we can assess the damage and by that time you have another ocasion to attend. For me, the Holidays means an extra 10 pounds. I learned to expect the worst. I hate December for that reason. It usually takes me a couple of months to lose that weight. I hate the extra weight, I feel sluggish, tired, and I lose my energy. My clothes don't fit right and I never feel like exercising. When I gain weight, I loss ambition. The last couple years I learned to combat my ten pound problem. When it starts to get cold, I step-up my workout trying to burn some extra calories. I found that in the cold weather I eat heav

How Stored Body Fat Can Harm Us

Our body fat is indeed different depending on its location. Subcutaneous fat is the layer of fat just under the skin, all over the body. Visceral fat is located deep in the abdominal cavity around the organs. We have a limited amount of control over the distribution of our body fat. Body fat distribution varies by age, gender, ethnicity, and genetics. You may have a normal BMI – thinking your weight is not putting your health at risk – but have a waist circumference that indicates abdominal obesity. By waist circumference, abdominal obesity is defined as 35 inches for women, 40 for men. Abdominal obesity increases the risk of heart disease, diabetes, and later life dementia. A large waist circumference has been linked to negative outcomes even among people with normal BMI numbers. Additionally, some studies have compared two groups of obese patients with the same total body fat, but low or high levels of visceral fat. The high visceral fat groups were found to have evidence of g

Post Thanksgiving

I know all about eating too much at those family gathering. In this case we are talking about Thanksgiving. Around my house or at anyone's house that I know there is two parts to the big feast. First we eat a huge dinner, sometimes three kinds of meat, two different types of dressing, two types of cranberries, several types of potatoes, and several different vegetables. The idea is that no one, no matter how fuzzy, will go way hungry. There is always something for everyone in unlimited quantities. Than comes the second part, which usually is about one hour later, "dessert". This is what everyone has been waiting for. If it's a big gathering like 10 or 12 or more the whole table will be filled with pies, cakes, chocolate candies, brownies, lemon squares, and other ethnic tricks that we only see once or twice a year. These are times that no one should miss, even if your on a diet.  The really bad part of the Holidays is that you might have to eat this meal more